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Customer Communication

Attracting Email Subscribers Through MEFA’s Giveaway Campaign

ConditionHER - Taking Care of HER

Written By:
Kera McCain & Jesse Rodriguez
Visual Design:
Naima Booth & Caleb Faulkner
March 2021
Wendy Rose Berry and Eugenia Marshall

ConditionHER is a female-owned and operated business...

That was launched in 2019 by Wendy Rose Berry and Eugenia Marshall. The brand provides a natural, scientifically formulated moisturizing cream intended for a woman's most intimate area. With this nourishing cream, ConditionHER has been able to solve some of women's most irritating problems.


Although ConditionHER had a loyal customer base, the company was lacking a strong social media presence and strategy to attract more leads. Being that ConditionHER only had one product to sell, promoting the same product to the same audience was risking oversaturation. The company needed to reach new audiences.


The goal was to generate quality leads, ensuring conversion in an online medium foreign to the company by creating awareness and putting this miracle moisturizer directly in front of new eyes. The aim was to attract a new audience and grow the brand.


MEFA (Marketing Experts for All) identified ConditionHER's target demographic and aimed to expand its reach by implementing Lead Generation Marketing to attract more loyal customers. A giveaway campaign on Facebook and an email marketing strategy were used to capture the attention of leads and move them through the customer journey. By introducing ConditionHER and its founders to new leads through email and nurturing those relationships, MEFA generated a new base of loyal customers.


With the help of MEFA's giveaway campaign and email marketing strategy, in just two months, ConditionHER achieved the following results:

  • 1200 New Leads
  • $0.26 CPL 30K
  • 4.44% CTR (Link-CTR)
  • 28.3% Email Open Rate

"We are thrilled with the level of engagement and interest that MEFA was able to generate for our brand through their visually stunning and thoughtful approach. By attracting a new audience and nurturing those relationships, we are excited to strengthen our bond with our customers and continue providing them with the nourishing products they deserve." - ConditionHER

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